Isnt it a good thing that people change? Imagine if someone you knew never ever changed..even one long do you think it'd be before you got bored of hearing the same old lines.. the same old jokes.. Given enough time and given any random everyday situation you'd probably be mouthing out the words that came out of their mouth...
hey...change is an ongoing process...nothing is same from one moment to i think it will be very very hard to come across a person who doesn't change... 'n again change is all relative...if da other person doesn't change, its ur views abt 'em which have undergone a change...just goes to show nothing e'er remains constant...more so when it comes to human relations 'n feelings...
'm digressing again...neways it wasn't abt the change itself but da changes that accompany with da realization, i was commnenting on...
I am not sure they change.
Their behaviour towards us might.
Finally it is good that we saw them in their true liht.
Late but nevertheless .
but what if they r not aware of their own true light?
Isnt it a good thing that people change? Imagine if someone you knew never ever changed..even one long do you think it'd be before you got bored of hearing the same old lines.. the same old jokes.. Given enough time and given any random everyday situation you'd probably be mouthing out the words that came out of their mouth...
hey...change is an ongoing process...nothing is same from one moment to i think it will be very very hard to come across a person who doesn't change...
'n again change is all relative...if da other person doesn't change, its ur views abt 'em which have undergone a change...just goes to show nothing e'er remains constant...more so when it comes to human relations 'n feelings...
'm digressing again...neways it wasn't abt the change itself but da changes that accompany with da realization, i was commnenting on...
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