Friday, September 18, 2009


Was speaking to a friend, when the question of being bored with people came up. Now being bored with people is not much different from being bored with anything else.

  1. There will be few like chocolate, ice cream, floyd et al, that you will never get bored of...
  2. Then there are the ones, long exposure to whom will throw you into that familiar state again. Similar to the way you get tired of certain music/TV series/games/activities on doing it continuously. But this is not so bad, as you can take a small break and you will be good to go again.
  3. And then there are those, who just bore you to tears!
'n yea, i am using bored of/tired of interchangeably here...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As he walks on the shore, with the silvery waves lapping at his feet,
"Night is dark.", he thinks and immediately chides himself for such an obvious, weak remark.

" 'Night....Night is dark but still not as dark as the one in my life', thats much better!", he thinks and starts laughing, oblivious to the image he painted to an onlooker, with his tall body silhouetted against the dark sea and sky, and hair ruffling in the gentle sea breeze which also spread the sounds of his sad, maniacal laughter, all along the shore.

After a while, tiny lights in the distance comes to his view and thinking

"I may just yet...
I may just yet, start some new lives..."

he bursts into laughter once again.